Friday, March 19, 2010

Tonight I had dinner at a small family restaurant in Montero. The mother of the family is a CISNE loan recipient, and Papacho and I ventured to taste the food and take some photos. While waiting for the food, I spoke with the father, who happens to attend the same church as the Sanchez family. He told me about how when he was 20 years old, he served a mission for the LDS church in La Paz. During the last few weeks of his mission, the authorities of his church told him to go to Santa Cruz, an area outside of the boundaries of his mission. Confused but willing to fulfill the unusual request, he traveled the distance to Santa Cruz. On his first Sunday at church, he turned around from a conversation to find his father smiling at him. He had been raised by his mother and an abusive stepfather, and had never known his real father until this day in Santa Cruz. The man then introduced me to his father sitting near the door of the house. Now, all the family lives here in Montero. As I approach my last week here in Montero, I remain touched at the individual histories of everyone that CISNE impacts.

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