Wednesday, March 10, 2010

March 9th

The sun in Montero is hot! Sonia and I waited until the 39C heat abated in the evening to venture to the houses around Montero. We primarily visited members of the first group of loan recipients. Currently, CISNE oversees five groups of loan recipients. As the numbers grew, CISNE learned quickly what elements are needed to ensure success of the loan repayments. The first groups are still trying to repay the loans, while the newer groups are quickly repaying in order to take out a second loan. Sonia informed me that one of the essential elements in the newer groups is to search for candidates that are already have a small business. In the educational side of the loan, newer groups receive a more comprehensive course on business essentials. Unfortunately, many of the loan recipients experience health problems and no matter their dedication to the payments, they often need more time to repay the loan. Sonia and I spent the night listening to several of these women, doing our best to provide both motivation and guidance.

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